Selected Charts and Recording of Monthly Talk
Only a few presentation charts and videos are available online.

May 2019. HAL5 monthly program on "Communicating About Space: Pitfalls and Priorities" with Bart Leahy, Freelance Technical Writer. [Read More] [Charts] [Video at Greg Allison's Personal YouTube Channel]

December 2018. HAL5 monthly program on "A Historical Perspective on Anti-Gravity Technology" with Amy Eskridge, President and Co-founder, The Institute for Exotic Science. [Read More] [Charts]

August 2018 Program #2. HAL5 special program on "Solar Gravitational Lens for Direct Imaging of an Exoplanet" with Dr. Slava G. Turyshev, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
[Read More] [Charts] [Animation]
February 2017. HAL5 monthly program on "United Launch Alliance (ULA): America's Ride to Space" with Mr. Anton Kolomiets (ULA). [Read More] [Charts]

December 2013 Todd May, NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Program Manager will give us a status of the SLS as we approach end of 2013. The meeting will be held at ManTech NeXolve/Gray Research Auditorium. 655 Discovery Dr. in Research Park, Huntsville. [Charts]

October 2013 HAL5 monthly program on "Exploring Mars to Improve Life on Earth" with Marvin Hilton. [Charts]

October 2012 HAL5 Monthly program on NASA's exploration of Mars. "Roving Mars: Pathfinder, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity" with Dr. Barbara Cohen, MSFC planetary scientist. [Charts]

September 2012 HAL5 Monthly program on "Superturbine Windpower" with Mr. Ed Kiker. [Charts]