Monthly Public Meetings and Talks

We offer monthly free public talks on wide variety of topics related to space, technology,
space sciences, astronomy, and book lectures typically first
Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm at
Huntsville-Madison County Main Public Library's (915 Monroe Street) main
auditorium. We have been offering public lectures since our founding. Our meetings showcase the
subject matters experts and talents in this region. It also provides a great opportunity
for the audience to engage with the speaker through questions and answers, and one-on-one interactions.
Programming is typically scheduled 3 to 4 months in advance. This allows
us to get the words out to you all, and to coordinate with other societies who
might be intersted in the talks. On occasions, we will have a joint event with
Pass the Torch series if we have very special topic or needed a much
large forum. A listing of our past programs, along with highlight of our activities
can be found here. If you are interested in speaking to us, you can
or speak to one of the officers at our meeting.