Current and Past HAL5 Projects
Sometime You Just Have to Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Dirty...

Sometime You Just Have to Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Dirty...
Safe the Grid, Safe the Future
Cyber attacks, sabotage, geomagnetic super-storms (coronal mass ejections (CME) from the sun, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from the high-altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon pose severe threats to our electric power grid. The Congressional EMP Commission warned that up to 90% of the Americans could die from starvation and societal collapse from a nationwide blackout lasting one year. We are spearheading initiatives to bring awareness and safeguard Alabama and regional power grids from these threats. Power Grid Defense 2018 Conference will be held on Aug. 9 - 12, 2018 at Embassy Suites Hotel, Huntsville Alabama. [ Learn More ]
Getting to Space on the Cheap
After the success of ISDC 1993 here in Huntsville, HAL5 began its biggest project ever in 1994, Project HALO (for "High-Altitude Lift-Off"). The goals of the project are no less than to provide cheap access to space for small clubs and student groups. We selected a hybrid propulsion system. Hybrid rockets operates by burning solid with liquid oxidizer. They can be throttled, and shut off and restarted in flight. [ Learn More ]
Remembering the History of Space Shuttle Challenger and Honor the Lives Lost on STS-51-L.
Joint project between HAL5 and Huntsville's Challenger Elementary School to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger (STS-51-L) accident. [ Learn More ]
From the Ground Up!
ISDC returned to Huntsville Von Braun Center on May 18 - 22, 2011 for its 30th anniversary. The conference covered several broad areas of study related to building a spacefaring civilization, including transportation to and through space, technology needed to live and work in space, and Earth-based activities to advocate for or educate others about space development. The overall theme for ISDC 2011 was "From the Ground Up," emphasizing the tools, resources, and social activities that must be accomplished to make a spacefaring civilization a reality. Participants are encouraged not just to describe an ideal "future state," but to think about the technical, economic, or advocacy steps that must be accomplished to achieve a specific goal. [ Learn More ]
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