Space...Been there, done that! How Huntsville dreamers made it happen.

Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 6:30 pm at Straight to Ale Campus 805's Art Room With Greg Allison, Founder of HAL5 and Project HALO, and Tim Pickens, Founding Members of Project HALO and Founder of Orion Propulsion and Pickens Innovations.

Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5)'s Project High Altitude Lift-off (HALO) was founded in 1994 with the aim of developing and achieving cheap access to space. While we never made it past Phase 2 of our project, we did achieve some extraordinary accomplishments, some firsts (as recorded in Guinness Book of World Record), kick start several companies, and much more. The moment that made us and Huntsville, for some of you who do not know, proud was how some of our project engineers took the technologies that we developed and matured them to help design the propulsion system in SpaceShipOne and SpaceShipTwo.

Come join us at the Art Room @ Straight to Ale Campus 805 to hear our stories from our garage in Madison, to Manchester TN, to Gurley, to the North Carolina Coast, to the Gulf of Mexico, and all the way to Mojave Desert. Learn about what we are doing now and hear the real story on why one of our rockets never made if off the pad, and is now instead hanging above the main entrance of Straight to Ale. A very big special thanks to Straight to Ale for co-sponsoring the event.

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